The management of the environment has never been more highly regulated, with increasingly demanding and complex law coming from international treaties, European Regulation and domestic statutes and regulations. As such, environmental law is now hard wired into virtually any development or activity, and is a real trap for the unwary. Most obviously it applies to waste management and processing but no property, infrastructure, energy or minerals project (at least none of any significance) could proceed without regard to the environment and the laws which protect it. That is why when an environmental issue is engaged, you need the very best advice to deal with it.
Contact Our Environmental Law Specialists
Specialist Areas
We are well known for our specialisms in for example Mines, Minerals and Quarrying, Waste and Energy. Understanding these areas (and the needs of the businesses operating in them) and working as a tight-knit team helps us provide a first class, highly cost-effective service in dealing with their planning issues.
We are also at the forefront of planning related judicial review, an area of practice where swift action and a high level of expertise is not just desirable, but essential.
Water Law
We have unrivalled knowledge of water law, including abstraction and discharge licences, angling and fisheries, navigation, pollution and enforcement and riparian rights.
Environmental Regulation & Enforcement
Breach of environmental regulations is often serious, often indeed criminal. In such a situation you need the swift and knowledgeable advice that we provide
Planning & the Environment
We work closely with you and your consultants, both to advise on what is required by way of Environmental Impact Assessment, and as to how this is dealt with in the planning process.
Private Nuisance
We provide advice in private nuisance matters, both claimant and defendant, and including flooding and water, noise, odour and dust pollution
Our Clients
Our clients range from large household name retailers, energy and utility companies and housebuilders, through many medium and small businesses, as well as individuals across England and Wales.

David Harries
Partner | Head of Planning, Environmental, Energy and Regulatory Law
Under David’s leadership, Aaron & Partners’ energy practice has established itself as one of the leading niche players in the industry, with a reputation for high levels of expertise and an exceptionally cost-effective service.