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Cymraeg / Welsh

With an ever-expanding population, and changes in technology and lifestyle, there has never been more demand for land to be developed and planning solicitors have a key role to play.

At the same time, there are ever greater demands for the protection and preservation of amenity, environment and heritage. Both sides are fed by ever expanding domestic and European legislation. A specialist planning solicitor can help you navigate this legislation and attain the outcome you are looking for.

There has never been more pressure on planners, developers and their legal representatives to find solutions that satisfy these competing interests for the sustainable development of homes, businesses, communities and for infrastructure and energy projects across England and Wales.

Drawing on the team’s expertise in the linked disciplines of environment, energy and regulation, and with our strongly commercial ethos, our planning solicitors provide the help needed to deliver realistic projects, from start to finish.

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Welsh planning law

The planning system in Wales is largely devolved, and is already substantially different from that in England. With increasing devolution, this is a process which is set to continue; for example, an entirely new, stand alone regime has now been introduced in Wales for “Developments of National Significance” – DNSs, closely following the English NSIP process but with lower entry thresholds.

Our planning solicitors are very familiar with Welsh Planning Law, not just in its own right but especially where it interfaces with English planning law; in major projects and infrastructure, and projects with cross border impacts.

Other specialist areas

We are well known for our specialisms in for example Mines, Minerals and Quarrying, Waste and Energy. Understanding these areas (and the needs of the businesses operating in them) and working as a tight-knit team helps us provide a first class, highly cost-effective service in dealing with their planning issues.

Our planning solicitors are at the forefront of planning related judicial review, an area of practice where swift action and a high level of expertise is not just desirable, but essential.

Our clients

Our clients range from large household name retailers, energy and utility companies and housebuilders, through many medium and small businesses, as well as individuals across England and Wales.

We provide a full, integrated service, with our work ranging from the very largest, Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects, through Planning Act applications, appeals and public inquiries, judicial reviews and statutory challenges, to advising on individual planning applications and proposals.

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Key Contacts

David Harries

David Harries

Partner | Head of Planning, Environmental, Energy and Regulatory Law

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Mark Turner

Mark Turner

Planning, Environmental, Energy and Regulatory Partner

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