Our commercial litigation solicitors understand that a dispute can result in businesses grappling with formidable challenges. When facing such challenges seeking adept legal advice becomes paramount. We specialise in high-value, complex claims and can help you safeguard your business, mitigate disruptions and navigate the complexities of a commercial disagreement, giving you the best chance to achieve an outcome that meets your objectives.
Contact Our Commercial Litigation Team
What is commercial litigation?
Commercial litigation is a term used by lawyers to describe a wide variety of business related disputes. Some examples of disputes that would be described as commercial litigation include:
- Claims for breach of contract arising out of the supply of goods or services;
- Claims relating to breach of directors’ duties;
- Claims arising out of the sale and purchase of businesses, for instance breach of warranties in the sale agreement or disputes over deferred consideration;
- Disputes in relation to misuse of confidential information and breach of restrictions in employment contracts
- Claims relating to poor advice by professional advisers known as professional negligence.
What is the difference between commercial and civil litigation?
Civil litigation is a term generally used to describe things like personal injury claims, clinical negligence and road traffic claims. These aren’t things that we can assist you with.
What do our commercial litigation lawyers specialize in?
Our expertise lies in resolving disputes for clients in a way that meets their objectives. We regularly handle disputes in all the categories set out above explaining what commercial litigation is.
Our objective is always to resolve your dispute in a way that meets your objectives and to do this the first thing our lawyers will do is get a clear understanding from you of what you need or want to achieve.
The facts of every case will be different and our lawyers are experienced in quickly understanding the facts and how the relevant law will apply to them. Once we understand your objective and the facts, we’ll advise you in clear terms what your options are and what we think will work best to achieve the outcome you want. We’ll then work with you to deliver the chosen strategy.
Is court the only way to settle a commercial dispute?
Not necessarily, many disputes can be resolved by negotiation, sometimes informally with the other side and sometimes through more formal processes such as mediation, though much depends on the attitude of your opponent.
Often it will be appropriate to issue court proceedings but the vast majority of court cases settle without the need for a trial. Because our objective is to resolve your dispute we’ll consider the best way to achieve this with you at every stage including what alternatives to issuing or continuing court proceedings are appropriate.
Funding options
To help clients manage the costs, our Dispute Resolution department offers a range of funding options. From traditional ‘pay by the hour’ arrangements to fixed fees in certain situations, our aim is to take the uncertainty out of the costs of litigating and, where appropriate, to share the risk with you.
Click here to learn more about how you can fund your case
We can also offer you an initial fixed fee review and advice on the merits of your case. Click here to learn more about our fixed fee options.
Speak to our commercial litigation lawyers
Our solicitors have the capability to meet tight timescales and provide comprehensive services to assist with any dispute you may have and provide support, where and when you need it.
Key Contact

Nick Clarke
Senior Partner | Head of Dispute Resolution
Nick became the firm’s Senior Partner in 2019, having been with Aaron & Partners for over 20 years, and he sits on the firm’s management board. He also leads the Dispute Resolution team.