A business partnership is formed whenever two or more people set up a business together. When they do, the law automatically applies certain rules that govern the management of the joint venture.
Contact Our Corporate Law Team
What can a partnership include?
These include the division of profits, decision making and how partners leave the partnership. We strongly suggest that a more specific partnership agreement is drafted to cover the particular features of your business.
What is an LLP?
A Limited Liability Partnership, or LLP, is (like a limited company) a separate legal entity to its partners, or members as they are called. It operates in many ways like a traditional partnership but gives its members limited liability. LLPs are very popular for professional services and consultancy firms.
Whether you are already in a partnership or LLP, planning to join one or setting up your own business partnership, we have a team of dedicated solicitors who can advise you regarding all aspects of partnership law and LLP law. We can provide guidance on a wide range of business partnership law, each facing its own regulatory framework and distinctive challenges.
Create a win-win partnership
There are many advantages in operating as a business partnership or LLP, and many potential risks too. However, with our unrivalled expertise in this area, we will be able to help with any legal difficulties you may face.
Areas of expertise:
- Fitness to practice issues for healthcare, law and finance
- Partnership agreements
- Partnership disputes
- Partnership exits
- Partnership insolvency
- Partnership property
- Regulatory issues
If you're thinking of entering a partnership, we can advise on important matters such as creating an agreement that protects you and your business. We also specialise in disputes concerning accounts, tax issues, property and shares and can assist if a partner wishes to leave the partnership for any reason, or if you need help to remove a partner.
Partner with us for legal guidance
When it comes to partnership matters, whether common difficulties, contractual disputes or personal disagreements, our legal team will soon resolve the issue, or, where possible, prevent it happening in the first place.
Our solicitors can look after your interests, protect your assets and ensure your partnership is prepared for any eventuality. To discuss the specifics around your business and get the best legal advice for your situation, please don't hesitate to get in touch.
Key Contact

Stuart Scott-Goldstone
Partner | Head of Corporate & Commercial
Stuart is the Head of the firm's Corporate & Commercial team and has experience in all aspects of corporate and commercial law. His specialist areas are corporate finance transactions and corporate reorganisations and restructuring.